Our Lord made every women beautiful

She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.

Proverbs 3:15

Friday, August 24, 2012

I'm Engaged!!!


ER STORY-----^^^^

Hello there friends!! 

Just an update, I have been super busy this month of August!!

-Being checked in and out of the ER AGAIN for my anaphylaxis
-Last semester of Nursing school before I graduate!

It has been quite a hectic but very exciting, never boring, month for me!

I understand I have neglected my blog quite a bit, but I am back and ready to give it even more energy!

This month I have about 5 reviews to post so keep an eye out for them!

On a side note; would any of you be interested in Fiance tags/videos?
Maybe a peek into my wedding planning and a virtual wedding of sorts?
Wedding makeup/hair tutorials? Let me know!

Love and Lipstick,

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